η ̹ϴ
б б ̳信 ž Ƿ ߰,
ڼ, ũõ ڸ Ͽ η ̹ϵ Ѵ.
ι, ȸ, ڿ ԾŰ ÿ ġ, , ȸ, ȭ
̷а , ν ȭ ִ
( , Ž, ѱ, â ) 缺ϴµ ִ.
An Innovative Intellectual
ħ ȭŰ ȴ. ħ ؼ 濡 ϰ ִ ùٷ ؾ ϱ
Ҿ ǹ̸ ߰ ִ ɷ ؾ Ѵ.
ư ǰ ٷ ְ, ߸ ٷ ִ ȴ.
It is important to be an intellectual that changes the world following the bible teaching. To follow the bible teaching it is necessary to understand the messages from the bible in a right way. There will be the innovative intellectuals if they live based on the bible verses so that they can classify the wrong thing.
ѱ A Global Korean
ȸ ȭ ϰ, ڽ Ӱ ǥϰ, ڽ ɷ ִ ѱ ȴ.
̸ ؼ ܱп ؼ Ȯϰ о ϰ, Ʈ ִ ؿ ̸ Ѵ.
ѱ ü ѱ ȴ.
Koreans who understand the global society and culture, so that they can communicate in other languages and display their ability will be brought up. For this purpose, students are going to University abroad in order to make them practice the right way of studying and projects. Moreover, it is very important to be global Korean who has firm identify of Korean
â A Global Korean
л ڽ о߿ ɷ ִ. ڽ ɺо߳ о߿ ɷ° ǹ ʿ â μ ɷ ְ ȴ.
Students can display their own professional ability in the various sections. Their own interests will be developed based on proper knowledge and concepts, so that they can show their own ability as a professional.
н An Independent Learner
Ʈ н̳ ذн, ڱֵн ߽ ؼ л ڽŸ н(ڱֵн) Ӹ ƴ϶ б, ϰ, ϹǷ н ȴ. п Ŀ ܱ п о Ӹ ƴ϶ ֵ ֵ ɷ Ѵ.
By education system that focuses on having projects, solving problems and self-studying, students can plan and study by themselves as well as, they be accustomed with the conditions wherever they go. Moreover, they will still be planning and studying themselves after they get in to the University overseas.