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ϴ ڵ ϳԲ ̴ ϴ ڸ ϳκ ϳ ˰. Dear friends, Let us love one another, for love comes from god. Everyone who loves has been born of god and knows god. (John 4:7)

ۼ : 24-11-21 20:54
 ۾ : ְ
ȸ : 938  
(10), 翬(10) п հߴٰ ͼ ູ ½ϴ.

ҽ ͼ ҽϴ.
б ϰ, п ϰ ֽϴ.
̳ ̱ б ϰ ͼ, п ҽϴ.

2⸶ Ǵ ۷ ص Aberystwyth University ϰ ٵ,
۷ ؾϴ и ؼ Դϴ.
ε ҽĵ ֵ ⵵Ź帳ϴ.

[ п Ȳ]

躸(10) ķ긮 б(University of Cambridge)

(8) BPP(Business Professional People University) п (UK, London)

(9) University of Wales, Aberystwyth University п
Źö(9) б п
ȣ(9) б п

躸(10) б п
    (10) б п
̻(10) б п
(10) б п
翬(10) б п
(10) б п
(10) Harbour Space (Spain)( п)

(12) KDIåп(KDI:Korea Development Institute)
μ(12) ְб(GIST:Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology)
̼(12) հб п

(13) дб дп